自吸式離心泵(bèng) 輸送柴油汽油 80CYZ-70揚程70米 流量60立方(fāng)
自吸式離(lí)心泵 輸送柴油汽油 80CYZ-70揚程70米 流量60立方
自吸式離心泵 輸送柴(chái)油汽油 80CYZ-70揚程70米 流量60立方(fāng)
1.本公(gōng)司常規産品1-3天(tiān)發貨,特殊要求或(huò)者需(xū)定做的(de)産品發貨時間已與(yǔ)客戶協商為準, 2.泵運費方式有兩種:快遞和物流.小泵和小型配件發快(kuài)遞,其餘體積(jī)較大,數量較多,推薦走專線物流(liú)貨運,一般南方,中部地區及沿海地區3-5天左右(yòu)到達(dá).西部,北部(bù)較遠的地區以及少(shǎo)數二次中轉地區(qū)5-8天左右可到,具體(tǐ)覆蓋範圍(wéi)請咨詢公司客服人員.安(ān)裝使用(yòng):請您根(gēn)據産品說明書的步(bù)驟進行操作,如有(yǒu)問題,請聯系(xì)我公司.為了保護您的利益,我們已經提醒客戶在收到貨物時,要開箱驗貨,如在打開驗貨時發現貨物丢失,損害或者不符,請拒收,您簽收就代表(biǎo)已準确無誤的收(shōu)到(dào)後屋,若在簽收(shōu)貨物之後(hòu)才(cái)發現(xiàn)貨物丢失或(huò)者不符,如不負責. 客戶收到
後,産品無法安裝或(huò)者規格有誤,本公司提供退貨或(huò)者換貨服務,退貨或者換貨的客戶請保證貨物的完好(hǎo)無損,并承擔往(wǎng)返運費. 客戶收到(dào)後,如果産品存在質量問題,請(qǐng)在收貨後7天内聯(lián)系我公司,提供相關質(zhì)量問題(tí)圖片,我公司将在時間給您退貨或者換貨,因為我公司(sī)已經在發貨前已經仔細檢(jiǎn)查過,所以過期将不(bú)提供此項服務,還請諒解.
自吸油泵的(de)基本構造是(shì)由六部分組成(chéng)的分别是葉輪,泵體,泵軸(zhóu),軸(zhóu)承(chéng),密封環,填料函。The basic construction of self-priming pump is composed of six parts, respectively, impeller, pump body, pump
shaft, bearing, seal ring, stuffing box.
1、葉輪(lún)是自吸離心泵的核心部分,它(tā)轉速(sù)高出力大,葉輪上的葉 片(piàn)又起到主要作用,葉輪在裝配(pèi)前要(yào)通過靜平衡實驗。葉輪上的内外表(biǎo)面要求光滑,以減少水流的摩擦(cā)損失。 1, is the core part of self-priming
centrifugal pump impeller, strength higher than that of its speed, leaf patches on the impeller and play a major role, the impeller through static balancing experiments before assembly.Impeller on
the inside and outside for smooth surface to reduce friction loss of water.
2、泵(bèng)體也(yě)稱泵殼,它是水泵的主體(tǐ)。起到支撐固定 作用,并與安裝軸承的托架相連接(jiē)。2, the pump body also calls the pump shell, it is the body of the pump.Support fixed effect, and connected to
install bearing bracket.
3、泵軸的作用是(shì)借聯軸器和(hé)電動機相連接,将電動機的轉距傳給(gěi)葉(yè)輪,所以它是傳遞(dì)機械能的主要部件。3, the role of pump shaft is connected by coupling and motor, the torque of the motor to the
impeller, so it is a major part of the mechanical energy transfer.
4、軸承是套在 泵軸上(shàng)支撐泵軸的構件,有滾動(dòng)軸承和滑動軸承兩種(zhǒng)。滾動軸承使用牛油作為潤(rùn)滑劑加油要适當一(yī)般為2/3~3/4的體積太多會發熱,太少又有響聲并發熱!滑 動軸承使用的是透明油作潤(rùn)滑劑的,加油到油
位線。太多油要沿泵軸滲出并且漂賤,太少軸承又要過熱(rè)燒壞造成事故!在水(shuǐ)泵運行過程中軸承的溫度高在85度一 般(bān)運行在(zài)60度左右,如果高了(le)就要查找原因(是否有雜質,油質是否發黑,是否進水)并及時處理!4,
bearing is set on the pump shaft support components of pump shaft, which has two kinds of rolling bearing and sliding bearing.Rolling bearing use butter as a lubricant oil is generally appropriate
for two-thirds to three-quarters of the volume too much will be fever, too little and there was a noise and fever!Sliding dynamic bearing is using a transparent oil as lubricant, go to the oil
level line.Too much oil leak to the pump shaft and floating base, too little bearing overheating and burn out cause an accident!In water pump bearing has the highest temperature during the
operation of 85 degrees in a running around 60 degrees, if the high will find reason (if there are impurities, oil is black, whether water) and processed in a timely manner!
5、密封環又稱減漏環。葉輪(lún)進口與泵殼間的間隙過(guò)大會(huì)造 成泵内高壓區的水經此間隙流向低壓區,影響泵的出水量,效率(lǜ)降低!間隙過小會(huì)造成葉輪與泵殼摩擦産生磨(mó)損。為了增加回(huí)流阻力減(jiǎn)少内漏,延緩葉輪和泵殼
的所(suǒ) 使用壽命,在泵殼内(nèi)緣和葉輪外援結合處(chù)裝有密封環,密封的間隙保(bǎo)持在0.25~1.10mm之間為宜。 6、填料(liào)函主要由填料,水封環,填料筒(tǒng),填(tián)料壓 蓋,水封管組成。填料函的作用主要是為了封閉(bì)泵殼(ké)與泵軸之間的空
隙,不讓泵内的水流不流到外面來也(yě)不讓外面的空氣進入(rù)到泵内(nèi)。始終保持水(shuǐ)泵内的真(zhēn)空!當泵 軸與填料摩擦産生熱量就要靠水封管住水到水封圈内使填料冷卻!保持水泵的正常運行。所以在水(shuǐ)泵的運行巡回檢(jiǎn)查過程中對填
料函(hán)的檢查是特别要注意!在運行 600個小時左右就要對(duì)填料進行更換。5, sealing ring, also known as minus leakage ring.Import and pump impeller shell gap between the will build into water by means of
this clearance flow inside the pump high to a low pressure area, affect the water yield of pump, efficiency!Clearance starts to cause the impeller and pump casing friction wear.In order to increasethe flow resistance reducing internal leakage and delay the service life of the impeller and the pump shell, the pump casing and impeller around the foreign aid junction with sealing ring, sealinggap in between 0.25 ~ 1.10 mm is advisable.6, stuffing box is mainly composed of filler, seal ring, packing, packing gland, water tubes.The role of the stuffing box is mainly in order to close thegap between pump casing and pump shaft, don\'t let the flow within the pump does not flow outside to not let outside air into the pump.Always keeping the vacuum inside the pump!When the pump shaftand be about to rely on water seal packing friction heat to hold water to the water seal circle packing cooling!Keep the pump running.So in the process of pump run Tours of inspection to check thestuffing box is paying special attention to!Running about 600 hours will be carried out on the packing replacement.
自吸(xī)離心泵的過流部件 Self-priming centrifugal pump flow components
自吸離心泵的過流部件有:吸入室,葉輪,壓出室三個部(bù)分。葉輪室是泵的核心,也是流部件的核心。泵(bèng)通過葉輪對液體的作功,使其(qí)能量(liàng)增加。葉輪按液體流出的方向分為三類: Self-priming centrifugal pumpflow components are: suction chamber, impeller, the pressure out of the room three parts.Room is the core of the pump impeller, and also the core of the flow components.Of liquid through theimpeller pump work, allow it to increase energy.According to the direction of liquid flow impeller is divided into three categories:
自吸式離(lí)心泵 輸送柴油汽油 80CYZ-70揚程70米 流量60立方
(1)徑流式葉輪(離心式葉輪)液體是(shì)沿着與軸線垂直的方向流出(chū)葉輪。 (2)斜流式葉輪(混流式葉輪(lún))液體是沿着軸線傾斜的方向流出葉輪(lún)。 (3)軸流式葉(yè)輪液體(tǐ)流(liú)動的方向與軸線平行的。
(1) 單吸葉輪(即葉輪(lún)從一側吸入液體(tǐ))。 (2) 雙吸葉輪(即葉輪從兩側吸入液體(tǐ))。
葉(yè)輪按蓋闆形式(shì)分為三類: (1) 封閉式(shì)葉輪。 (2) 敞開式葉輪(lún)。 (3) 半開式葉輪
According to the classification of the impeller impeller suction way is divided into two categories:
(1) single suction impeller (i.e., from one side suction impeller liquid).(i.e., (2) double suction impeller impeller from either side suction liquid).
Impeller press flat form is divided into three categories: (1) closed impeller.(2) open type impeller.(3) half open impeller