德國技術鮑曼雙螺杆泵W6.4ZK75M0W73保溫雙螺(luó)杆泵單(dān)端面機械密封(fēng) 可用為掃艙泵流量大無脈動
公司以齒輪泵,螺杆泵為主導産品,涉及21個系列,4200多種規格,年(nián)生産能力達43000多台(套)。産品行銷油田、化工(gōng)、電力、船舶、冶金、食品(pǐn)等各(gè)大行業。産品除滿足國内客商(shāng)的需求外,部分出口至東南亞、美洲、歐洲等國家和地區。公司在設有30多(duō)個分支機構,并建立了完善的營銷服(fú)務網絡,擁有一支龐大(dà)敬業的營銷服務隊伍(wǔ),可為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。 公司以嚴謹的質量(liàng)體系(xì)、先進的生産設備、完善的檢測手段、豐富(fù)的制造經驗、務真求(qiú)實的遠東團隊,來(lái)有效保證(zhèng)産品質量。以滿腔真誠期待與國内外各界(jiè)人士攜手鑄就多方共赢的(de)輝煌。Company to "moored far east" brand gear pump, screw pump for the leading product, involves the 21 series, more than 4200 kinds of specifications, annual production capacity of more than 43000 Taiwan (sets).Product marketing oilfield, chemical industry, electric power, shipbuilding, metallurgy, food and other major industry.Products in addition to meet the needs of domestic customers, some exports to southeast Asia, the americas, Europe and other countries and regions.The company has more than 30 branches in major cities throughout the country, and established a perfect marketing service network, has a large professional marketing services team, can provide the high quality service for the customers.Companies with strict quality system, advanced production equipment, perfect detection means, rich manufacturing experience and WuZhen strives for the far east team, to effectively ensure the quality of products.To sincerely look forward to working with people from all walks of life both at home and abroad hand in hand to own a bright multi-win-win situation.
●雙螺杆泵如(rú)何進行日常維護與保養:daily maintenance and maintenance:
1、每日的維(wéi)護和保養1, daily maintenance and maintenance
1.1在螺杆泵停泵時檢查齒輪箱(04)内的(de)油位。若有必要,拆油螺塞(131),加油至油标(106)的(de)中心(xīn)處為止。1.2聽(tīng)聽是否有(yǒu)異常噪聲與(yǔ)震動。1.3在泵運轉時檢查泵是否有洩漏。1.1 inthe screw pump when the pump is going to check the oil level in the gear box (04).If necessary, disassembling bet on oil plug (131), go to the center of the oil standard (106).1.2 listen to whether there are abnormal noise and vibration.1.3 check for leaks pump when the pump is running.
注意:對于機械(xiè)密封,在大多數(shù)情況下,由于汽化導緻從密封洩液孔處(chù)觀察不到洩漏,但有(yǒu)時少量而又穩定的洩漏是允許的。Note: for mechanical seal, in most cases, due to evaporation from seal leakage of fluid leaking hole in observation, but sometimes a small amount and stable leakage is allowed.
2、每周檢查(chá)與保養2, weekly inspection and maintenance
2.1 for pump has stopped working for more than a week, should open the inlet and outlet valve, turn on the motor power supply, pump point move several times.2.2 check whether the valve in the inlet and outlet pipe can work normally.
3、每(měi)季的維護與保養(yǎng)3, quarterly maintenance
3.1檢查所有基礎上的螺母和壓(yā)緊(jǐn)裝(zhuāng)置的螺栓(shuān)是否松(sōng)動。3.2安裝(zhuāng)規定每三月把齒輪箱的油更換一次。松開齒輪箱(04)的放洩螺塞(130),将齒輪油放(fàng)掉。擰緊放洩螺塞,打(dǎ)開注油螺塞(131),注入清潔的輕油,清洗齒輪箱。清洗幹(gàn)淨(jìng)後打開放洩螺塞,放掉輕油(yóu),擰緊放洩(xiè)螺塞,從注油螺塞口注入規定(dìng)的齒輪油至油标(106)中(zhōng)間,擰緊注油螺塞。3.1 check all the nuts and bolts compaction device on the basis of whether is loose.3.2 installation regulations every march the gearbox oil replacement.Loosen the gear box (04) drain plug (130), put off the gear oil.Tighten the drain plug, open the oil plug (131), the injection of light oil cleaning, clean the gear box.Clean after playing open drain plug, release the light oil, tighten the drain plug, from the oil plug mouth into the provisions of the gear oil to oil standard (106), tighten the oil plug.
4、每(měi)年的維護與保養4, the annual maintenance
4.1檢查聯軸器的對中情況。4.2對照泵和電機的(de)銘牌的數(shù)值,檢查泵的流量、壓力和功率的情況。如果有必要(yào),在(zài)壓力和流量下降(jiàng)很多的情況下,則應對泵進行拆卸檢修,更換維修已損壞的部件。當然如果泵的性能仍然令人滿意(yì),則無需拆泵維修。4.1 check the coupling of the situation.4.2 the numerical control of the pump and motor nameplates, check the status of the flow, pressure and power of the pump.If necessary, in many cases fall in pressure and flow, should be made for the pump to remove the maintenance, replacement of repair damaged parts.Of course, if the performance of the pump is still unsatisfactory, you do not need to dismantle the pump maintenance
河北遠東泵業 鮑曼雙螺杆泵 W6.4ZK75M0W73 單(dān)端面機械密封 可用為掃艙泵(bèng)
5、潤滑油系統油料更換時間5 oil, lubricating oil system change of time
5.1軸承每月加入一次3#通用锂基潤滑脂。5.2齒輪箱新泵累計250小時更換美孚牌(pái)140或長城牌150車用齒輪(lún)油;連續運轉每1000小時,更換(huàn)一次(cì)上(shàng)述相同的車用(yòng)齒輪油。5.3機械密封油:保證停機時油位在檢視孔中(zhōng)心,日常視情況補充,油(yóu)品牌号:ISO VG22-150VG28(相當于20号機油),每半年更換一次(cì)。5.1 bearing join once a month 3 # general lithium grease.5.2 new pump gear box has 250 hours to replace mobil card 140 or the Great Wall brand 150 vehicle gear oil;Every 1000 hours continuous operation, the replacement of the e vehicle gear oil at a time.5.3 mechanical seal oil: ensure that the oil level when the stop in the center of the peep hole, supplement daily circumstances, product brand: ISO vg28 VG22-150 (equivalent to 20 oil), replaced once every six months.
德國技術鮑曼(màn)雙螺杆泵W6.4ZK75M0W73保(bǎo)溫(wēn)雙螺杆泵(bèng)單端面(miàn)機械密封 可用為(wéi)掃艙泵(bèng)流量大(dà)無脈動
炭黑油(yóu)循環(huán)泵 | SPF20R38G10FW21三螺杆泵頭 | 湖北(běi)嘉輝(huī)化工集團有限公司 |
蒽油循環泵 | SPF20R38G10FW21三螺杆泵頭 | 山西同(tóng)世達煤(méi)化工集團有限公司 |
再生泡沫泵(bèng) | NYP220 | 大連齊化化(huà)工有(yǒu)限公司 |
灌封(fēng)膠泵 | NYP320 | 江蘇淮河化工有限公司 |
人字齒輪泵 | KCB483.3齒輪(lún)泵 | 德州實華化工有限公司(sī) |
輸送污油泵(bèng) | SPF20R38G10W21三螺杆泵船用 | 山東海王(wáng)化工股份有限公司 |
輸送齒輪油泵 | KCB-290齒輪泵 | 山東濰坊潤(rùn)豐化工有限公司 |
輸送基礎油(yóu)泵 | SPF20R38G10W2三螺杆泵船用 | 張家港化工機械股份有限公司 |
鍋爐點火重油泵 | SPF20R38G10W2三螺杆泵 | 大連金州重型機器(qì)有(yǒu)限公司 |
廢(fèi)油輸送泵 | G20-1V-W101單螺杆泵(bèng) | 大慶(qìng)華科股份(fèn)有限公司 |
稀油人字齒輪泵 | KCB83.3齒輪泵 | 成都華融(róng)化工有限公司 |
瀝(lì)青輸送泵 | SNH40R54E6.7W21三螺杆泵頭 | 石家(jiā)莊白龍化工股份有限公司(sī) |
甘油循環泵 | 2CY-18/0.36齒輪泵 | 上海聯恒異氰酸(suān)酯有限公司 |
輸送桐(tóng)油泵 | KCB-300齒輪泵 | 南京化纖股份有限公司 |
吸油泵 | SNH80R54U12.1W2三螺杆泵(bèng)頭 | 鎮江李長榮綜合(hé)石化工業有限公司 |
苯輸送(sòng)泵(bèng) | KCB-200泵頭 | 貴州省遵義堿廠 |
化學劑輸送泵 | SMH120R42E6.7W23三(sān)螺杆泵 | 山東單縣化工有限公司 |
酶輸送(sòng)泵 | 2CY-7.5/0.6齒輪泵 | 内蒙古伊東(dōng)集團東方能源化(huà)工有限責任公司 |
糖蜜輸(shū)送泵 | G20-1V-W110單螺杆泵 | 山東樂化(huà)漆業股份有限公司 |
分散(sàn)劑輸送泵(bèng) | SNH40R46U12.1W2三(sān)螺杆泵 | 山東舜天化工(gōng)集團有限公司(sī) |
乳油輸送泵 | 2CY-10/2.5齒輪泵 | 福建(jiàn)三鋼(集團)三明化工有限責任公司 |
點火(huǒ)供油泵 | SNH40R54U12.1W2三螺杆(gǎn)泵 | 營口三(sān)征有機化工股份有限公(gōng)司 |
染(rǎn)料輸送泵 | SNH80R46U12.1W2三螺杆泵 | 山(shān)東明瑞化工集團 |
輸送糖蜜泵 | SNH80R46U12.1W2 | 内蒙古臨海化工股份有限(xiàn)公司 |
脂肪酸輸送泵 | SMH80R42E6.7W23三螺(luó)杆泵頭 | 山東紅(hóng)日阿康化(huà)工股份有限公司 |
輸送焦油泵 | SMH80R42E6.7W23三螺(luó)杆泵頭 | 山東遠東國際化工有限公司 |
樹膠溶液輸送泵(bèng) | G20-1V-W112單螺(luó)杆泵(bèng) | 山東大成化工集團有限公司 |