




  2021-12-5 13:57:31    




   2CY齒輪泵适用于輸送不含固體顆粒和纖維(wéi),無(wú)腐(fǔ)蝕性,溫度不高于200℃,粘度(dù)為5×10-6~.5×10-3m2/s(5-1500cSt)的潤(rùn)滑油或性(xìng)質類似潤(rùn)滑油的其他液體以及用于液(yè)壓轉(zhuǎn)動系統. 2 cy gear pump is suitable for conveying containing no solid particles and fibers, non-corrosive, temperature is not higher than 200℃, the viscosity of 5 x 10-6 ~. 5 x 10-3 m2 / s (5 to 1500 CST) the nature of the lubricating oil or other similar oil liquid and used for hydraulic rotation system.


   2CY齒輪油(yóu)泵系容積式(shì)泵,主,被動齒輪與(yǔ)泵體,左(zuǒ)右泵蓋組成進油,出油二個封閉空間,當齒輪轉動時,進油腔的容積,由于(yú)齧合齒不(bú)斷脫開,而由小變大(dà).形成真空,将液體吸入,有齒谷帶往油腔,而出油腔容積,由于(yú)齧合齒的(de)不斷進入齧合而大變(biàn)小,油液受壓(yā)縮而被排出,從而(ér)達到輸送油料的(de)目的. 2 cy gear oil pump is a positive displacement pump, the main, driven gear and the pump body, pump cover around of feed, oil two closed space, when the gears, the oil cavity, the volume of meshing teeth off constantly, and change from small to large. The formation of a vacuum, the liquid suction, toothed valley to the oil cavity, and the volume of the oil cavity, due to the constant into the mesh of the meshing teeth and large to small, oil is displaced by compression, so as to achieve the aim of oil.


   本系列齒(chǐ)輪泵(bèng)主要有齒輪,軸,泵體,泵蓋,軸承(chéng)套,軸端密封等組成.齒輪(lún)經氮化處理有較高(gāo)的硬度和耐磨性.與軸一同安(ān)裝在可更換的軸套内運轉(zhuǎn).泵(bèng)内全(quán)部零(líng)件的潤滑均在(zài)泵工作時利用輸送介質而自動達到.泵内四個軸承套(tào)在泵内浮動安裝,随工作壓力大小自動調整端面間隙,因此泵的(de)壓力穩定,輸出流量脈動小,溶積效率高.從主(zhǔ)軸外伸端向泵(bèng)看,為順(shùn)時針旋轉. This series gear pump are mainly gear, shaft, pump body, pump cover, bearings, shaft end seal, etc. The gear after nitriding treatment had a higher hardness and wear resistance. With the shaft installed in the replaceable shaft sleeve. In all parts of the lubrication pump are using the transmission medium and automatic for when the pump work. Four bearing sleeve inside the pump in the pump float installation, along with the work pressure automatically adjusts end clearance, so the pump pressure stability, the output flow pulsation is small, high volume efficiency. From the main shaft overhang end to the pump, for clockwise.


   在(zài)輸油系統中可用作傳輸,增壓泵; In the oil system can be used as a transport, booster pump;

   在燃油系統中(zhōng)可用作輸送,加壓(yā),噴射的燃(rán)油(yóu)泵; In the fuel system can be used as a transport, pressure, jet fuel pump;

   在液壓傳動系統中(zhōng)可用作提(tí)供液(yè)壓動力的(de)液壓泵; In the hydraulic drive system can be used as a hydraulic pump of hydraulic power;

    在一切工業領域中,均(jun1)可作(zuò)潤滑油泵用;In all industrial areas, can be used as lubricating oil pump;

   使用與安裝: Use and installation:

1、機組應安裝在水平(píng)水泥基礎上,用地(dì)腳螺栓固定(dìng)。1, the unit should be installed in a horizontal cement, on the basis of land use fixed bolt.

2、右聯軸器應同(tóng)軸,安裝完(wán)成後,轉動聯軸器确(què)認運轉順暢無負壓力現象後(hòu),方可進入運行。2, should right coupling coaxial, after the installation is complete, turn the coupling confirmed after running smoothly without negative pressure phenomenon, may run into.

3、泵不适合輸(shū)送不潔油液(yè),故在進口管端應設濾油器(qì)。3, the pump is not suitable for conveying impurity oil, therefore, at the inlet pipe should be set oil filter.

4、泵無安全閥,建議在排(pái)油管路中,設安全閥,以确保系統安(ān)全運行。4 no relief valve, pump, it is suggested that in the discharge of oil pipeline, a safety valve, and to ensure the safe operation of the system.

5、泵(bèng)的安裝高(gāo)度,不超(chāo)過允許吸上高度。5, pump installation height, no more than allow on the suction height.

6、泵的轉向(xiàng)規定:從泵(bèng)端向電機(jī)看,旋轉方向為逆(nì)時針。6, pump steering regulation: look from the pump to the motor, for counterclockwise rotation direction.


  工作注意事項: Work matters needing attention:

1、開機前應檢查泵軸轉動是否靈活,有無卡阻現(xiàn)象,進出口(kǒu)管道上的閥(fá)門是否開啟,泵的旋轉(zhuǎn)方向(xiàng)是否正确(què)。1, should check whether the pump shaft rotation is flexible, before starting the presence of jam phenomenon, import and export pipeline valve is open, the direction of rotation of the pump is correct.

2、長時間沒有使用的泵開(kāi)機前應向(xiàng)泵腔中注入(rù)一定量的潤滑液(yè),以減少泵在(zài)吸油過程中(zhōng)的幹摩擦,并可提高泵自(zì)吸性能。2, long time no use the pump to the pump before starting the cavity inject a certain amount of lubricant to reduce the pump in the dry friction in the process of oil absorption, and can improve the performance of pump.

3、開機後(hòu)如有不正常的噪音或過(guò)熱現象,應立即(jí)停車檢查。3, after the boot if there is any abnormal noise or overheating phenomenon, should immediately stop check.

4、檢查泵軸端有(yǒu)無洩露現(xiàn)象,如:對填料密封應适當調緊壓緊蓋、其他密封則應拆機檢查。4, check whether there is any leakage on the pump shaft end phenomenon, such as: the packing should be properly tighten clamp cover and other sealing should teardown check.5、若輸送熱油,在開(kāi)車時應均(jun1)勻預熱,預熱(rè)是利用(yòng)被輸送的介質不斷(duàn)通過泵體進行的。5, if conveying hot oil, while driving should be uniform preheating, preheating is to use the media constantly through the pump body to be delivered.

6、泵停機時,首先切(qiē)斷電源,然後關閉進出口管道(dào)上的閥門,避免造成泵倒轉。6, when the pump stop, cut off power supply first, then close the import and export pipeline valve, avoid to cause back pump.


   使用與(yǔ)安裝:1、機組應安(ān)裝在水平(píng)水泥基礎上,用地腳(jiǎo)螺栓固定。2、右聯(lián)軸器應同軸,安(ān)裝完成後,轉動聯軸器确認運(yùn)轉順暢無負壓力現(xiàn)象後,方可進入運行。3、泵不(bú)适合輸送不潔(jié)油液,故在進口管(guǎn)端應設濾油器。4、泵(bèng)無安全閥,建議在排油管路中,設安全閥,以确保系統安全運行。5、泵的安裝高度,不超過允(yǔn)許吸上高度。6、泵的轉向規定:從泵端向電機看,旋轉方向為逆時針(zhēn)。Use and installation: 1, the unit should be installed in a horizontal cement, on the basis of land use fixed bolt.2, should right coupling coaxial, after the installation is complete, turn the coupling confirmed after running smoothly without negative pressure phenomenon, may run into.3, the pump is not suitable for conveying impurity oil, therefore, at the inlet pipe should be set oil filter.4 no relief valve, pump, it is suggested that in the discharge of oil pipeline, a safety valve, and to ensure the safe operation of the system.5, pump installation height, no more than allow on the suction height.6, pump steering regulation: look from the pump to the motor, for counterclockwise rotation direction.



   工作原(yuán)理:本泵系容積式(shì)泵,主、被動齒輪與泵體、左右泵蓋(gài)組成進油、出油二個封閉空間,當齒輪轉動時,進油腔的(de)容積,由于齧合齒(chǐ)不斷脫開,而由小變大。形成(chéng)真空,将液體吸入,有齒谷(gǔ)帶往油腔,而出(chū)油(yóu)腔容積,由于齧合(hé)齒的不斷進入齧合而大變小,油液受壓縮而被排出(chū),從而達(dá)到輸送油料的目的。Working principle: this pump is a positive displacement pump, the main around, passive gear and pump body, pump cover of the oil, the oil two closed space, when the gears, the oil cavity, the volume of meshing teeth off constantly, and changes from small to big.Form a vacuum, the liquid suction, toothed valley to the oil cavity, the volume of the oil cavity, due to the constant into the mesh of the meshing teeth and large to small, oil is displaced by compression, so as to achieve the aim of oil.


   用途:2CY齒輪泵主要用于各種機械設備中的潤滑系(xì)統中輸送潤滑油。Purpose: 2 cy gear pump is mainly used for all kinds of mechanical equipment of conveying lubricating oil lubrication system.


   工作原理:本泵(bèng)系容積式泵,主、被動齒輪與泵體(tǐ)、左右泵蓋組成進油、出油二個(gè)封閉空間,當齒輪轉動時,進油腔的(de)容積(jī),由于齧合齒不(bú)斷脫開,而由小變大。形成真空(kōng),将液體吸(xī)入,有齒谷帶往油腔,而出油腔容積,由(yóu)于齧合齒的不斷進入齧合而大變小,油液(yè)受壓縮而被排(pái)出,從而達到輸送油(yóu)料的目的(de)。Working principle: this pump is a positive displacement pump, the main around, passive gear and pump body, pump cover of the oil, the oil two closed space, when the gears, the oil cavity, the volume of meshing teeth off constantly, and changes from small to big.Form a vacuum, the liquid suction, toothed valley to the oil cavity, the volume of the oil cavity, due to the constant into the mesh of the meshing teeth and large to small, oil is displaced by compression, so as to achieve the aim of oil.


   結構(gòu)說明:本系(xì)列泵主要由:左、右泵蓋、泵體、主、被動齒輪軸、軸套、油封等零件組成。Structure description: this series of pump is mainly composed of: left, right, pump cover, pump body, , passive gear shaft, shaft sleeve, oil seal and other parts.

   可為廣(guǎng)大客戶提供優質的服務。 公(gōng)司以(yǐ)嚴謹的質量體系、先進的生産設備、完善的(de)檢測手段、豐富的制造經驗(yàn)、務真求實的(de)遠東團隊,來有效保證産品質量。以滿腔真誠期待與國内外各界人士攜手鑄就多方共(gòng)赢的輝(huī)煌。Company to "moored far east" brand gear pump, screw pump for the leading product, involves the 21 series, more than 4200 kinds of specifications, annual production capacity of more than 43000 Taiwan (sets).Product marketing oilfield, chemical industry, electric power, shipbuilding, metallurgy, food and other major industry.Products in addition to meet the needs of domestic customers, some exports to southeast Asia, the americas, Europe and other countries and regions.The company has more than 30 branches in major cities throughout the country, and established a perfect marketing service network, has a large professional marketing services team, can provide the high quality service for the customers.Companies with strict quality system, advanced production equipment, perfect detection means, rich manufacturing experience and WuZhen strives for the far east team, to effectively ensure the quality of products.To sincerely look forward to working with people from all walks of life both at home and abroad hand in hand to own a bright multi-win-win situation.



   我公司是(shì)一個(gè)生産齒輪油(yóu)泵和螺杆泵的專(zhuān)業公司。公(gōng)司擁有各(gè)種設備80台,主要設備有:C6140 CW6163C車床24台(tái),TX611C/4镗床2台,M131M7130磨床8台,C125A立車2台,Y318K Y3150E滾(gǔn)齒機6台,E3050X16/1搖臂鑽床2台,E5163立式鑽床2台,B1-400銑床3台,螺(luó)杆泵轉子專用QH2-007銑床1台(tái),半自動螺旋轉子QH2-029B銑床(chuáng)2台,X53K立銑(xǐ)3台,半自動螺旋轉子QH2-031 QH2-032磨刃機台。My company is a company specialized in the production of gear oil pump and screw pump.Company has 80 sets of various devices, the main equipment are: C6140 CW6163C24 sets of lathe, TX611C/boring machine 2 units,4 M131M 7130 grinding machine 8 units, C125Aset, 2 sets, Y318K Y3150E hobbing machine 6 units, E3050X16/1 radial drilling machine 2 sets, E5163 vertical drilling machine 2 sets, B1-400 universal milling machine 3 units, screw pump rotor 1 QH2-007 milling machine, semi-automatic screw rotor QH2-029 - b milling machine 2 sets, X53K three vertical milling, semi-automatic screw rotor QH2 QH2-031-031 edge grinding machine is used.

   我公司擁有省計量局制(zhì)試驗台1台,自制試驗台(tái)3台,使生(shēng)産産品從原材料投(tóu)入到産成品出廠實現了全過程檢測。産品出廠合格率99%,具備較強的綜合配套制造能力。理化試驗室、長度計量室是計量确認合格(gé)單位,使産(chǎn)品從原材料投入到産(chǎn)成品出(chū)廠實現了全過程檢測。産品出廠合格率99%,具備較強的綜合配套制造能力,公司年(nián)可生産各種泵6000多台。My company has the province system test bench 1 bureau of standard measurement, homemade test-bed 3 units, production of products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 99%, have strong ability of comprehensive manufacturing.Physical and chemical laboratory, length measuring room is the national metrological confirmation unit, make our products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 99%, have strong comprehensive manufacturing capacity, company can produce all kinds of pump in more than 6000 units.

河北遠東泵業 聚氨(ān)酯發泡(pào)劑專用泵  2CY-18/2.5  齒輪泵(bèng)  薄利多銷無條件退貨

輸送(sòng)聚醚泵(bèng)NYP220B-RU-T1-J-W12高粘度泵 帝人(rén)聚碳(tàn)酸脂有限(xiàn)公司


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